Thursday, April 16, 2009

Braces in teeth?

I am having free Braces to my teeth but i am really scared about it. Does it have any long term effects after i get my braces out. Also the dentist want me to take 4 teeth out. D u think i should go for braces or leave my teeth tangled? Please help me decide my future.

Braces in teeth?
Braces don%26#039;t cause recession. Braces work just as well if not better than invisalign. Extractions are sometimes a necessary part of having braces. Your gums will not get messed up from braces as long as your brush and floss properly! Even if you have invisalign you would still have to wear a retainer after wards. The retainer stabilizes your roots. You normally have to wear it full time for 3 months and then you go to night time wear. It%26#039;s really not that big of a hassle. I highly recommend braces. I think you will be glad that you got them. Don%26#039;t be scared! Go for it!! I think you will regret it more if you don%26#039;t do it!
Reply:Having braces is tough, Im not going to sugar coat it. But I think all the pain is worth it at the end when youve got nice, straight teeth. Its best to get it as young as possible, so I suggest you get it soon. Its your choice, but you might regret not getting them if you decide not to. Good luck! =)
Reply:I had 4 teeth out and a brace on the NHS as my teeth were quite bad, they just do it to give the teeth more room to move and the gaps is closed naturally over time so don%26#039;t be worried about being left with a gap in your teeth. I had to wear one for 2 years and everytime it was tightened it hurt. You get used to it after a couple of weeks, but you will feel self concious for while you wear them, but it is all worth it as i now have great teeth and take really good care of them! I love to smile now, before I always used to put my hand in front of my mouht when i smiled. It is worth it, please do it!
Reply:If your teeth are really crooked, yes get the braces... sounds like your mouth is too small for the size of your teeth.

In the long run you will have less dental problems if you get this taken care of now.

Go for it sweetie....
Reply:No, braces have no long term effects becides straiter teeth! dont worry you will be fine! i%26#039;ve had my braces of for 6 years without any problems!
Reply:ok i had 4 teeth removed and braces when i was a teen... I will say it is painful as they have to tighten them up leaving you unable to eat any food that takes much chewing! and they do dig into your gums which can be painful at times... And with relation to actually having the teeth removed thats not painful/as bad as you%26#039;d imagine.

However saying that i am so glad i had them, i now have perfectly straight teeth and it was worth all the downsides to having to have those braces for 2 years!

I say do it and dont be too scared as it really won%26#039;t be as bad as you think it will be and it the time that you have them for goes so quickly.

good luck :-)
Reply:Both my Daughters have had braces,they have both had to have 4 teeth out, they have caused them no problems at all, they loved picking what colour to have on their braces next visit, { by the way , they are both teenagers }
Reply:Well i have just recently had braces, I miss them, i wish i still had my braces. They ache a bit when they first put them on and then take them off. It is worth it to it makes such a difference and taking teeth out doesnt really hurt and i get hurt really easily. After they take your braces off they give you a retainer which you have to wear everyday for the first month then every other day. i was meant to have mine on for 1 year but it was only because i brushed proberly but the thing is i didnt stop eating the things i liked i just carried on as normal and it did not affect them at all. Just remeber to brush your teeth twice a day and then it should be fine. When i first got my braces or when i was going to get them i was really like you, at 13 not really like getting hurt and not wanting metal in my mouth and not being able to have chewing gum it really has paid off and if anyone is scared of having braces DONT BE i wish i still had them so thank you to my orthadentist... Can i just say this is like a briliant question to ask lmao!!!
Reply:I second the recommendation to investigate Invisalign. I have them and am pretty happy - they cost me less, and they offer more freedom.

I also had to have four teeth removed - it was a pretty good experience because I reallly enjoyed the anesthesia. I was as high as a kite for the rest of the day.
Reply:im coming to the end of almost 18 months in braces and i have to say it has gone by quite quickly. i am so excited as i know my teeth are perfectly straight and you cant beat that feeling. its not uncommon for dentist to remove teeth for braces so trust him/her they really know what they are doing. you have to understand its a long haul and sometimes fustrating but arent all the good things in life? please do it its worth it in the long run!!! good luck
Reply:Don%26#039;t be scared. My mom made me get braces when I was a teenager. I didnt%26#039; know what they were and boy am I glad I got them! They did pull teeth out. The reason why is to make room for the dentist to make your teeth straight. I remember my orthodontist saying that I had too many teeth in my mouth. They took about 8 out... yes I have a small mouth.

And yes it does hurt. But it%26#039;s worth every bit. Your teeth will be nice and straight. You can%26#039;t eat candy or gum because it%26#039;ll get stuck in the braces. I%26#039;ve seen people chew gum even with braces but it%26#039;s very bad because you can break the brace or the metal wire. YOu%26#039;ll end up going to the dentist and end up fessing up that you did something you shouldn%26#039;t have.

Also with the first post, she%26#039;s wrong. Yes you have a retainer afterwards but it%26#039;s because a retainer holds the teeth together. After taking out the braces your teeth are very sensitive. A very good time for teeth to move back to the old way, which may be why she has spaces on her teeth and has to redo her braces by invisalign. Invisalign is a bad idea because yes you don%26#039;t see the brace. It is invisible. But because you have the alignersthat are removable, you aren%26#039;t continually correcting your teeth. Also since you%26#039;ve got to remove them before eating... then brush your teeth and then put the invisalign back on. it just seems a whole lot of trouble for something that may or may not work.

Do the braces. Research your orthodontist, make sure he or she is good. If you get them, you will be happy with the after effects. I love that my teeth are straight. I am so grateful for them. All the pain was worth it. Also with being scared, don%26#039;t be. It%26#039;s nothing to be afraid of.
Reply:I had to have 7 teeth out when i got my braces so think yourself lucky!! (some were baby teeth even though I%26#039;m 18)

I hate having braces... i think its awful, and they do hurt like hell when you 1st get them.. and every time you go to the orthodontist (because mines rough and i hate him)

But i guess its up to you... i choose to have braces because i couldn%26#039;t smile without people looking weirdly at my teeth... i couldn%26#039;t smile on photos...

so i guess if you want wonkey teeth for the rest of your life then dont get them...if you want straight teeth get them!
Reply:I think you should. I didn%26#039;t have to pull out any teeth event though there was a lot of crowding. It will open more jobs to you in the future. Good luck with your decision.
Reply:I would have the braces you will feel really good about yourself when you have beautiful straight teeth
Reply:i also had braces (which is now 6 years ago ... WOW time flies) lol ^.

it really does work. tho ok, its hard to get used to them cutting your mouth etc, but you do get used to them%26amp; you just need to be extra careful not to break them, or eat really hard foods or drink bad drinks *fizzy stuff, is bad for braces*

but good luck, xx : )
Reply:Go the braces. Seriously, whatever it takes - straight teeth are a great option. Take it from a twisted toothed over 50 whose parents couldn%26#039;t afford it and I can%26#039;t either. What wouldn%26#039;t I give for that option. Good luck, it%26#039;ll be worth it.
Reply:I wouldnt do it. Look into invislign. I had braces at 32-34 My gums are messed up from the recession and the space between the teeth widened. It also cost me alot of money.

My friend had invislign with alot better results, they also want you to wear a retainer for years afterwards, I never wear mine.

My teeth are ok now but braces is not the way to go to straighten teeth anymore.

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